hard solo


Created by ndes on 10/17/2024

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The objectives of the deck are to deploy powerful, resilient creatures to repel the outsider each turn. To achieve this, the focus is on summoning and preserving mana-generating cards early in the game. The goal is to maintain control over the situation without letting it escalate. The deck includes various options to heal allies and the castle, allowing for damage absorption to retain control of the board. Additionally, the deck has means to recover key cards in case they get looted.

Key Victory Cards

'Behemoth': Enables the deployment of powerful creatures for minimal mana in the late game, ideal for closing the match.

'Gulbjarn': On entry, it efficiently manages threats by distributing damage optimally.

'Overwhelm' (spell): Heals and empowers 'Gulbjarn' to handle large threats or the outsider.

'Wind Riders': Helps rebuild the deck effectively while blocking a minion. Very useful.

Mana Generators

'Shamans': Low stats, but they heal the castle and become a mana source if they stay on the field. Having three copies may seem excessive, but it ensures they appear during the game.

'Clan of the Elk': Modest stats, but its 3 health points provide more stability on the field. Its healing or mana generation effect is essential.

'Skytear Mine' (spell): The best Liothan spell, adding 1 mana and healing the castle. Definitely worth including three copies.


'Clan of the Wildcat': Offers good stats for its cost, and its ability helps manage tricky situations. Included as a two-of since it can slow down the deck.

'Underwood Dryad': Strong stats for its price, and generates tokens. While not a card to actively seek out, it adds flexibility and synergizes well with the Dryad archetype.

'Echoed Saboteur': A standout common for Nuptens, with solid stats, a useful effect, and the added benefit of the Fleeting keyword.

'Restless Phalanx': It may struggle to stay on the field, but the Rebuild keyword helps reduce the risk of looting. Its 3 attack points are valuable.

'Clearing Dryad': Excellent stats for its price and brings a lot of flexibility to the field with an ability usable during Treachery. A strong ally for the Dryad archetype.

'Bush Dryad': Less impressive, with low stats and limited ability. Works well with low-health allies, allowing it to generate tokens. Played as a fallback card.

'Vorhild': Similar to 'Bush Dryad,' somewhat weak in this deck’s composition. Included because its ability can stall threats and buy time, though likely to be replaced.

'Bloodlust': A high-value Liothan spell, effective during the Treachery phase for a low cost. Useful for dealing enough damage to eliminate a threat in one go.

'Psychic Shield': Another strong spell, this time for Nuptens; it's very affordable and preserves board presence while retrieving a card from the discard pile. Excellent.

'Speak with the Spirits': A versatile Rare spell that generates tokens, offering good synergy and adaptability. Handy to keep in hand.

'Strike Terror': Included as a one-of, this spell helps stall a threat early on, setting up a more sustainable board presence.

'Guard Pillar': The deck’s only tower card, useful for recovering allies if needed.

Castle (1)
1 x The Gaping Maw
Ally (26)
2 x Shamans
2 x Clan of the Wildcat
2 x Underwood Dryad
3 x Echoed Saboteur
3 x Restless Phalanx
3 x Clearing Dryad
1 x Corjof
2 x Bush Dryad
2 x Stalker Pack
2 x Clan of the Elk
1 x Wind Riders
1 x Gulbjarn
2 x Behemoth
Spell (13)
3 x Skytear Mine
3 x Bloodlust
3 x Psychic Shield
2 x Speak with the Spirits
1 x Strike Terror
1 x Overwhelm
Tower (1)
1 x Guard Pillar


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