Green/Blue Midrange


Created by GarnyBear on 1/11/2024

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Castle (1)
1 x The Living Rampart
Ally (20)
3 x Underwood Dryad
1 x Tlakali
2 x Bush Dryad
1 x The Living Jungle
2 x Clan of the Falcon
2 x Clearing Dryad
2 x Tribe Warriors
3 x Cloud Tearers
1 x Cotlic
1 x Flesh Hunter
2 x Behemoth
Spell (14)
3 x Bloodlust
2 x Skytear Mine
3 x Death Grasp
1 x Sinkhole
2 x Speak with the Spirits
2 x Stream of Life
1 x Twist Allegiance
Tower (6)
2 x Guard Pillar
2 x Stone Pillar
2 x Draining Pillar


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