Face (Portal/Outsider) is the place


Created by Anonymous on 1/4/2024

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Castle (1)
1 x The Wind Burner
Ally (18)
2 x Koi Shadows
2 x Bushido of the Peony
2 x Mage Crafters
3 x Bushido of the Sakura
3 x Bushido of the Rose
2 x Cicada Shadows
2 x Thunder Cavalry
1 x Sakoshi
1 x Akimo
Spell (12)
3 x Shadow of Death
2 x Dragon Punch
1 x Combustion
3 x Death Grasp
3 x Strike Terror
Tower (4)
2 x Steam Tower
1 x Land Shaker
1 x Star Piercer
Attachment (6)
3 x Lightning Naginata
3 x Scepter of Kamnu


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