Trample Assault


Created by Ross on 7/9/2024

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Castle (1)
1 x Eye of Liothan
Ally (26)
3 x Dragonfly Shadow
2 x Stormrunner
3 x Shamans
1 x Freyhel
3 x Bushido of the Sakura
3 x Restless Phalanx
3 x Crane Shadows
2 x Cicada Shadows
3 x Clan of the Icefish
1 x Heraal
1 x Beraph Star
1 x Tusken Warriors
Spell (10)
2 x For Liothan!
3 x Skytear Mine
3 x Bloodlust
2 x Speak with the Spirits
Attachment (4)
3 x Horn of Liothan
1 x Oath of Riders


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