Combo Draw


Created by assassin416 on 6/6/2024

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Castle (1)
1 x The Cloud Gate
Ally (10)
3 x Treasure Keeper
1 x Blessed Sundancer
2 x Time Traveler
1 x Akhuti
1 x Khepiax
2 x Tallyman
Spell (30)
3 x Immolate to See
3 x Kurumo's Judgement
3 x Barring The Way
3 x Shadow of Death
3 x Skytear Mine
1 x Ethereal Defense
2 x Guardian Clouds
2 x Time Loop
2 x Celestial Judgement
3 x Psychic Shield
2 x Overflow
2 x Discovery in the Depths
1 x Illusory Legion



June 6

Combo Draw

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