Gaping Maw Pseudo Rush


Created by PvEGamer on 2/19/2023

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We try to build a rush deck without Kurumo (as Gaping Maw does not allow us to include them), for a fast beatdown against outsiders on "Normal" difficulty.

Playthrough video(s):

Castle (1)
1 x The Gaping Maw
Ally (22)
3 x Underwood Dryad
3 x Canopy Hunters
3 x Echoed Saboteur
3 x Restless Phalanx
3 x Clan of the Oak
1 x Corjof
3 x Clearing Dryad
2 x Cloud Tearers
1 x Gulbjarn
Spell (14)
3 x Bloodlust
3 x Shadow of Death
3 x Psychic Shield
2 x Speak with the Spirits
3 x Death Grasp
Tower (4)
2 x Stone Pillar
2 x Guard Pillar


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Export to TTS

Import as TTS object.

Download the JSON file using the following button. Place this file in your TTS Saved Objects folder (Usually found in Documents > My Games > TTS > Saves > Saved Objects). After this, you'll be able to spawn your deck in the Components UI.

Download saved object