Gaping Scarifier


Created by Tornare on 2/14/2023

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This deck has not been tested, yet. The deck is built around Scarifier. He could be able to kill monsters by sacrificing tribesmen. Then you can revive them and heal Scarifier with the Liothan tools (The Gaping Maw, Skytear Mine, Speak with the Spirits). Vorhild looks also very useful here to shoot monsters as those tribesmen could be re-summoned. Not sure about a few cards, Guard Pillars are meant for non-tribesman allies.

Castle (1)
1 x The Gaping Maw
Ally (29)
3 x Shamans
3 x Clan of the Wildcat
2 x Scarifier
3 x Canopy Hunters
3 x Clan of the Oak
2 x Clan of the Falcon
3 x Stalker Pack
1 x Vorhild
2 x Tribe Warriors
2 x Clan of the Elk
1 x Wind Riders
1 x Gulbjarn
2 x Clan of the Boar
1 x Tusken Warriors
Spell (8)
3 x Bloodlust
2 x Skytear Mine
2 x Speak with the Spirits
1 x Overwhelm
Tower (3)
1 x Ritual Pillar
2 x Guard Pillar


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